Hello there! Long time, no type! I'm so sorry I've been ignoring my poor little blog! I really need to update this.
I was working for awhile at Subway - we bought a Subway a few years ago and I've been working there. Not so much lately because we got some great employees and manager. But also we did have a contract with the local school and I had to deliver and sign off.
Now, I have 2 kids in high school and 2 kids in grade School. My 2 older kids go to separate high schools and the high schools are in another county. Not too far, but in traffic, it's an hour each way. Sometimes, I go through a 1/4 tank of gas in one day.
Plus, there were some personal issues. You'll see them in my scrap layouts as they come out.
I'm back to digiscrapping again. Yay!
Currently, I am on Miss Mis Designs Creative Team and the GingerScraps Store Site Creative Team. I was able to land a guest spot on the store's Guest CT last month. And they were so please with my work that they offered me a permanent spot! Wow!
For some Scrapping News - It is
Buffet Time at
Buffet is where several designers at Gingerscraps create kits, templates, alphas, journal cards, etc., all in the same color pallete so you can mix and match packs between different designers. And they're on sale for 50% off for a limited time!
For example, Miss Mis Designs has made a huge variety of packs for the buffet called "
Mommin' Ain't Easy."
And here's my layout I created using the Full kit, bonus papers, cardstock, word art, journal cards and glitter style that are in the bundle:
I also used a template from
Life Pages '17 February Week 5 templates pack by JBS Templates:
So, go shopping at GingerScraps -
link - and get scrapping those memories!