Yesterday was my brother's birthday & his in-law's anniversary. The strange coincidence is that his in-law's wedding anniversary is the day after mine (month & day, that is, not year) and their dating anniversary is the day before mine - or vice versa. I think there' some karma or fate going on here.
Anyways, I didn't get a chance to post yesterday b/c of my youngest son's appt, grocery shopping, shopping for teacher/bus drivers' gifts & my middle son's ice cream social at school to celebrate his last day of school. It was a long day & my feet were so sore afterwards. I think I fell asleep on the couch.
But I did call my brother to wish him a happy birthday.
And speaking of birthdays, last year we went to celebrate my husband's frat brother's birthday. It was very nice & a lot of fun!
I made the layouts with this new kit called "Tee Time." It's a collab kit by NeverLand Scraps and Haynay Designs. You can get the kit at NDISB -
LINKor at ScrapMatters -
I made this pages with templates made by NeverLand Scraps. I used "Pixie Plate #168" and "Pixie Plate #169." They're so cute, I couldn't resist buying them. I got them at NDISB -
Link to NeverLand's Scrap store. BTW, NDISB stands for Natural Designs in ScrapBooking.
This kit is great for Father's Day, masculine birthdays or any fun. So, go shopping & get scrapping!